(Get immediate access to our brand new media profile building mini-course. Scroll down and fill in the form at the bottom of this page.)
In today’s hyper competitive B2B markets, the media can provide a powerful and persuasive means of reaching your target market.
Problem is, gaining the attention of journalists is tough. In fact, it can feel downright impossible.
While big brands have it easy. Apple just has to blow its nose and it makes the front page. Most other businesses aren’t so lucky.
Headline grabbing news doesn’t come along every day. When it does, you can get a flurry of interest and column inches. Then it dries up and once again you find yourself at ground zero.
All that momentum wasted.
But it doesn’t have to be like this. In fact, you already have everything you need to keep the coverage train moving.
Or even get it started in the first place.
You just don’t know it…yet.
You’re Sitting on a Treasure Trove of Media Worthy Content
The truth is, with the right approach, your business can generate a consistent stream of powerful publicity.
As the Internet has become all pervasive, media entities have evolved into 24/7 operations that demand huge quantities of copy to keep their readers engaged.
Not just any copy mind. Mediocre content won’t suffice. They want great content. The kind that will draw their subscribers in and cement their standing as a valuable resource.
That’s good news for you, because it’s exactly this kind of content that flourishes naturally in every good business.
You just need to know where to look.
All media businesses are built around providing value to their readers. If they didn’t, their audience would go elsewhere, taking their number one revenue stream with them – Advertisers.
A consistent flow of useful content is therefore paramount to all media and it comes in two distinct flavours:
- NEWS – a snapshot of current events as they relate to the needs of their specific audience.
- INSIGHT – valuable, experience driven advice that helps readers overcome their current problems/ frustrations/ obstacles and moves them towards their goals.
While NEWS has always been the backbone of the media, INSIGHT driven content is now big business.
Check out media portals that target entrepreneurs and you’ll see the vast majority of the content is driven by insight.
And while NEWS is often a scarce resource in all but the largest companies, you’ll almost certainly have a deep well of INSIGHT.
What You Know has Immense Value
Look again at the articles from the media above and you’ll see the authors are from a wide variety of businesses. Some you’ll have heard of. Some you won’t.
Here are some examples:
However, what binds them all, is the value their insight provides. Insight acquired over the course of their careers.
This is important. It means that your newsworthiness isn’t measured by how well known your company is, but the quality of your expertise and experience.
Your media success is no longer dependent on news but on your ability to identify and share information, you already have inhouse, that your market will value.
And that’s exactly what I want to help you to do.
It’s why I created this 7-day ‘boost your media profile’ mini-course.
In one email a day for the next seven days, I’ll show you what to do to find irresistible content ideas and how to pitch them successfully to the media.
Each email is quick and actionable so you can work on things that will actually move you forward.
Over the course of a single week, you will:
- Uncover your treasure trove of media worthy content
- Identify your unique value
- Develop high impact article synopses
- Build a list of influential target media
- Design a no brainer email pitch that will grab the attention of journalists
Ready to Build Your Media Profile?
Enter your email address below to get complimentary access to our 7-day media profile boosting mini-course.
A Proven Process Developed Over two Decades in the PR Industry
I began my public relations career working for one of the leading tech agencies in the UK.
We had an amazing roster of clients. Brands like Apple, BT, Logitech, Oracle, Toshiba, Samsung, the list goes on.
I was in charge of building profile for the CEO’s and senior executives and was lucky enough to spend my days wining and dining journalists from the national and trade press.
It was fun, interesting work. However, (and I probably shouldn’t tell you this), it was also relatively easy. The media is innately interested in industry leading brands and by extension, the thoughts and opinions of the people running them.
Work for my less well-known clients was more frustrating.
Typically, all my clients, big or small, were excellent at what they did, had clients who loved them and deserved the media’s attention. Trouble was, news flow was sporadic at best and so was the coverage.
So, I set to work developing a process that would solve the problem.
I started by analysing my big brand work and discovered I could use the same principles to replicate my success for companies of any size.
The key lay in my ability to:
- Build my client’s credibility/notability to make them of interest
- Sell the value of their insight
The result was a process that would enable me to create consistent coverage month in and month out…no matter how well known my clients’ businesses were.
A process so successful, that today 9 out of 10 of our pitches generate coverage.
And not just any coverage. But the kind that:
- Gets you noticed by your market.
- Differentiates you from your competition.
- Attracts profitable prospects to your business.
Coverage like this:
The 9MM Thought Leadership Magazine
Let’s Get to Work
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Photo by Olu Eletu on Unsplash